What is Xmenu ?
With Xmenu, we move your products and catalogs to the QR menu application. Contactless to your customers or users you can present your products, categories or menu digitally

With the Xmenu, impressiveness and design are in the foreground. With the Xmenu, your products, catalogs or menu are designed specifically for your business and decoration and are made available in this way. In this way, QR Menus prepared with Xmenu increase customer satisfaction by providing much more interaction than their counterparts.

Xmenu also offers ready-made, fast and convenient solutions for businesses that do not want special designs. It is now much easier to manage your business with the Xmenu application, which is now indispensable for restaurants, cafes, hotels, shops and businesses. Come and bring your business to Xmenu

"X menu: Online QR Code Menu Generator: Restaurant Cafe and Hotel"
Some Features
  • Easy and Fast Installation
  • Fully Customizable Design
  • Unlimited Foreign Language Support
  • Online Order Feature
  • Adhesive Label or Stand
  • Special Designs and Adaptations for Your Business
  • 24/7 Support
Business Types
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants and Cafes
  • Brasseries and Patisseries
  • Fine Dining Restaurants
  • Bars, Pubs and Clubs
  • Fitness and Spa Centers
  • Beaches
Sample QR Menus
You can examine the specially designed sample menus by scanning the QR codes below with your camera
QR Menu Demo 1
QR Menu Demo 1
Scan the QR Code Above With Your Camera or Click The Button Below
QR Menu Demo 2
QR Menu Demo 2
Scan the QR Code Above With Your Camera or Click The Button Below
QR Menu Demo 3
QR Menu Demo 3
Scan the QR Code Above With Your Camera or Click The Button Below
Xmenü Dijital Online Karekod QR Menü
New Generation Professional
QR Menu
With the new generation professional QR menu, we carry customer satisfaction much higher. As Xmenu, we provide services with software that contains dozens of features that can make your business more efficient. You can contact us to move your business to digital and benefit from the benefits of digital transformation
Digitize Your Menu in Minutes
With Xmenu, you can move your categories, products or catalogs to the digital environment in minutes. With the Xmenu, which is extremely simple and easy to use, you can change your product images, prices and descriptions whenever you want. All you have to do to prepare your QR menu is to register or contact us. We will prepare the rest for you
Xmenü Dijital Online Karekod QR Menü Oluşturma ve Okutma
Xmenü Restoran, Otel, Cafe için Karekod Menü Oluşturma ve Okutma
A Menu Specially Designed for Your Business
You can increase your service quality by increasing the impressiveness with specially designed menus. Increase impressiveness with a menu that is compatible with the concept of your business

Contact us now and start serving with menus specially designed for the concept of your business.
Get Started Now
You can start using
by registering or
contacting us
Keep Prices Updated
Update your
products and prices anytime, anywhere via the panel
Get Rid of Printing Costs
Get rid of high catalog and printing
costs to have a menu
Xmenu | Online Contactless QR Menu

How to use ?

1 - Contact Us and Register
Let's call us now and open your qr online menu panel and register and prepare your menu
2 - Upload Your Menu and Products
After registration, let's add your products and prepare your menu through the panel we give you with your username and password
3 - Get Started
After registration and menu uploading, you can request the labels to be used as qr menus from us, or you can print qr menu labels yourself and have your customers use the qr online menu

Would you like to move your business to QR Menu ?

Prices and Packages
You can start using the application by choosing the most suitable package for your business from the following packages
15 DAY
  • - 15 Day Free
  • - Ready to Use
  • - Unlimited Language
  • - Customizable Menu Interface
  • - PDF Menu
2590 TL
  • - Ready to Use
  • - One Language Menu
  • - Default Menu Interface
  • - QR Menu Setup
  • - Technical Support
5490 TL
  • - Ready to Use
  • - Unlimited Language
  • - Customizable Menu Interface
  • - QR Menu Setup
  • - Technical Support

Xmenu - Online QR Code Menu Generator and Digital Menu Prices

Table of Contents

Why X menu should be preferred?

The online menu is  the most preferred  menu display  method by businesses today. In about 5 years, most cafes , restaurants , hotels , bars , restaurants , shops  or businesses have qr menus .service is considered. As a result, the use of QR code menus and online menus is spreading very quickly. Thanks to the online menu, customers and guests can both access the menu faster and get more detailed information about the products and the menu instantly. In addition, it allows businesses to change their prices and products instantly. In this way, the satisfaction of both businesses and customers increases. With the X menu QR menu application, you can use these operations much more practically, quickly and professionally than other applications.

We can determine the reasons for preference as follows;

  • Getting rid of printing costs: With digital menus, printing costs can be reduced to almost non-existent. In addition, errors or losses that may occur during printing will be minimized. This allows businesses to present their catalogs in a much more flexible way.
  • Being able to change prices instantly: One of the most important issues is that you can change prices instantly. Due to changing costs or prices, businesses can change prices very quickly. However, at this point, changing the fixed pressures causes both time and labor losses. In addition, constantly changing labels on the print reduces both the visual impact and the interaction. With QR Code menus, these losses can be prevented immediately.
  • Increasing the visual experience: With such digital solutions, both the visual experience is increased and the interaction is increased. In this way, customer satisfaction and customer interaction can increase significantly from the point of view of businesses.
  • Increasing accessibility: Accessibility can be increased significantly thanks to these applications. The reason for this is that thanks to the dynamic and constantly changing or updating pages, instant changes will be made and a quick connection will be established between the changes to be made in the business and the catalogs. This is a situation that can relieve businesses significantly.
  • Being able to save time: With digital solutions, businesses get rid of both time and financial losses. For this reason, both printing costs and time lost in printing will be gained to businesses.
  • Reducing costs: One of the most important issues is costs. When costs are reduced, businesses can campaign more easily or increase their marketing and sales capabilities for their target audiences. At this point, digital menu solutions are another important solution that can reduce costs.
  • Being able to report: Since it is very easy to get statistics such as how many people viewed the menu, how many people viewed which product, or how many people ordered from which product, these applications can provide serious support for businesses to make separate reports.

Professional Solutions for Restaurants, Cafes, Hotels, Patisseries, Stores and Businesses

We offer digital solutions from A to Z for restaurants, cafes, hotels, patisseries, shops and businesses. We are able to serve in a wide area from digital and online menu to automation solutions. If you want to digitize your business and manage it more efficiently and increase the satisfaction of your customers, you can contact us immediately. We aim to make your work easier with our services in different categories.

The solutions we provide to businesses are as follows;

  • Dynamic Menu: You can dynamically adjust your menu with xmenu. This is a very important issue. Your menu can be updated instantly in line with your wishes and needs.
  • Easy-to-Use Panels: Thanks to the easy-to-use panels, it is very easy to make product entries and updates with the xmenu. This is an element that provides a lot of convenience both in product content information entries and in the updating phases. It is much easier to update your menus and enter your products thanks to our easier-to-use panels compared to other brands.
  • Unlimited Language Options: You can prepare your menus in any foreign language you want. At this point, you can present your menu in the language you want to present your menu to your guests.
  • Instantly Updatable Prices: Another of our most important solutions is the ability to instantly update your prices and product contents. In this way, printing costs and time are saved by changing price changes or product information instantly.
  • Company-Specific Menu: Another important feature is that we have fully customizable interfaces suitable for your company or concept. You can design all interfaces or content or pages in a way that is completely compatible with your concept and company.
  • Bulk Product Update: Bulk product update is a very important feature, especially for businesses with a lot of products. Thanks to the batch product entry and update feature, you can instantly update your products, categories or content with a single click, no matter how many products you have.
  • Call Waiter: Thanks to the call waiter feature, your guests in your place or location can easily request a waiter call. In this way, you will provide your guests or customers with a more efficient order-taking experience in your business. 
  • Account Request: With the account request feature, your guests or customers can request an account with a single click. Thanks to this feature, your operational efficiency and customer satisfaction will be much higher. At the same time, with the feature of requesting an account during periods or hours when it is very crowded and difficult to provide service, both the staff working at the cash register and your staff in the service will serve much more efficiently.
  • Table-Specific QR Codes: Thanks to table-specific QR codes, menus can provide table-specific information. In this way, both account request and waiter calling or online payment transactions can be made much more efficiently. Thanks to table-specific QR codes, each table in your business has been introduced to the system and each table becomes manageable in the system.
  • Content Support: With content support, we introduce the content information of your existing products, categories or other business information to the system with you. In this way, we can prepare your menu much faster and provide content support.
  • Customer Recognition: With the customer recognition feature, each of your customers or guests who come to or visit your business can register themselves in a very short and easy way. Your guests and customers who register themselves once can perform all the available transactions much faster when they visit you again later. This is another feature that increases customer satisfaction.
  • Reporting: How many times your menu has been viewed or which product or service is preferred more with reporting. In which periods, what kind of actions your users or customers do more or what they demand, it can report all of them in detail and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Survey: Thanks to the survey features, it is very easy to understand what your guests or customers are satisfied with or complain about, thanks to the survey feature. With short or detailed surveys, you can measure the satisfaction of your customers or guests, as well as get recommendations and feedback from them.

QR Code Menu Generator

You can easily create your menu by QR Code Menu Generator of X menu for restaurants. You can create professional menus with Xmenu, which can provide unlimited services in QR code menu and digital menu. After registering with our QR Code Menu Creation system, you can upload products and categories, change their order, and easily edit their descriptions and contents. With unlimited language options, you can present your menus in any language you want. At this point, X menu, which provides serious ease of use, offers the most suitable solutions to both its customers and you.

The stages of creating a Qr Menu are as follows;

  • Registration and Membership: Registration and membership process can be done very easily. After registration, the system will automatically direct you to your management panel where your menu can be prepared. If you forget your e-mail address or password, you can update your password in the forgot password section or you can access your account by contacting us. 
  • Account activation: After the first membership and registration process, the system will direct you to the administration panel, after this direction, your registration will reach our authorities and your current account will be activated by our authorities. At this stage, which features you will use, these features will be activated specifically for you and necessary updates will be made in the management panel. 
  • Entering Products and Contents: After all membership, registration and activation processes are completed, you can enter your products, categories, services, information and content via the management panel. We support you at every step about the content that is entered. In case of any mistake or problem, we make the necessary corrections immediately. At this point, you can get all kinds of support from us.
  • QR Label Printing: After all registration, membership procedures and content entries have been made, it is now necessary to prepare the required qr tags to use your qr menu. Qr tags can be made either by you or by us. There is an external charge for QR tags. If this fee is paid, we can also support you for the preparation and printing of qr labels. After your QR labels are prepared, your QR menu is ready to be used by your guests and customers, both in desktop stands and after the stickers or adhesives and qr labels are adapted to the tables in your business.
  • Application and Broadcast: After all the above operations are done, you can broadcast your qr menu...

How to Scan QR Code Menu?

In order to read the QR code menu, first of all, a QR code must be found on a table or any surface. QR code is a barcode with a square view, as the name suggests. These barcodes are codes that can be read using the camera application with ios or andriod phones. The codes read from your camera will then direct you to a page where the relevant content will appear. Thus, the reading process will be done.

The steps of reading the QR Menu from your phone are as follows;

  1. Open Your Camera From Your Phone: In order to be able to read the QR code, you must first open your camera on your android or ios phone. There are different icons on android phones and ios phones to open the camera. You can easily open your phone's camera screen by touching the camera icon.
  2. Scan QR Code with Your Camera: After you turn on your camera with your Android or iOS phone, you need to read the physical QR Code or QR Code sticker or advertisement on the desktop from the camera screen of your phone. Once you read the code, a notification will appear on your android or ios brand phone. 
  3. Click on the Opened Window: After scanning the QR Code on your phone's camera, a notification will appear on your screen. By clicking on this notification, your phone will automatically direct you to the default browser program. You do not need to do anything after this step. The web viewer or borwser on your phone will quickly open the menu.

Is It Easy to Update Changing Prices?

It is now very easy to update the changing prices with the Xmenu. You can instantly update and change your products and categories without any printing or printing process. Although this convenience is a highly preferred feature in recent years, it is a situation that significantly accelerates and increases the use of the menu. With digitally prepared menus, you will get rid of both printing costs and time losses. Whether it is fine-dine type restaurants or fast-food type restaurants, it is much easier to present your products and categories with digital catalogs compared to the old methods. You can also register without wasting time and quickly prepare your QR code menu.

QR Code for Hotels and Restaurants

We offer QR code solutions to hotels and other businesses with X menu. In this way, we help the business to provide better service to its customers by making hotels more efficient. Nowadays, these applications are one of the indispensable services in hotels. Because in this digitalizing age, as in every sector, catalog interaction or customer interaction is provided by these and similar applications. For this reason, you can contact us immediately for digital menu applications, which are indispensable for hotels.

Your Products Are Now on Tablets and Phones

Today, the menu feature is given digitally in restaurants, cafes, hotels and businesses. Now, the menus created with expensive printing costs have been replaced by online and digital menus . In this way, businesses can change and update their catalogs and menus whenever they wish. At this point, Xmenu can offer the most comprehensive and professional service. If you want to digitize your business, you can contact us on our contact page and we can talk about what we can do for you.

Keep Your Product Prices and Contents Always Up-to-Date

With the Xmenu, your categories, products and services will now always be up to date. You can provide a better service to your customers by making price and content changes at any time. If you want to take advantage of these features, you can contact us immediately.

What Should Be Considered While Making Online Menu?

One of the most important elements to be considered is to make sure that your software categories and products can be presented with proper interfaces. At this point, although many companies provide support on digital menu issues, the companies that receive service are not very satisfied in terms of interface and usage. At this point, X menu can present your categories and products with the most up-to-date and attractive interfaces and designs. 

Another issue is the panels on which products and categories are loaded. At this point, there are many services that are not easy to use. Again, as Xmenu, you can present your product and category information in minutes or even seconds in different languages ​​and options and prepare your menu.

Things to consider when making an Online Menu or creating a QR Code Menu were as follows;

  • Correctly Printing the QR Code on the Label: It should be tested that the QR codes are read correctly from the phones and your menu or products are displayed properly. Otherwise, it will be necessary to redesign and print the qr label designs to be made. For this reason, the qr codes on the digital work should be tested properly before it is printed.
  • Legibility of Warning Letters on Labels: It is important that the texts or signs directing users on your QR Code label designs are legible and clear, otherwise the printing process will have to be done again.
  • Proper Loading of Products and Categories: It is important that your products or categories in your menu that you want to display for your QR code menu are properly loaded into the system. Otherwise, it will not be possible to display the products in your menu. For this reason, be sure to load your products and categories properly through the panel or system where you created your menu.
  • Making the Printed Labels Visible on Tables or Areas to be Used: In order for the labels you have printed to be used by users, the labels or related posters must be visible to users or customers or be in easy-to-reach places. Otherwise, it may not be possible for your users or customers to use your QR code menu properly.

What are QR Menu Prices?

As Xmenu , we are preparing your menu with different package and price options for qr menu prices . At this point, it is possible to use the system by defining the most suitable package and feature for your business. The most important factor in the prices is the quality and usage of the QR code service to be provided. At this point, Xmenu can offer many different types of professional services specific to businesses. Another important issue in prices is the printing of QR labels and the preparation of stickers. At this point , as Xmenu , we support our customers and undertake the printing of QR labels with label designs suitable for their own company or style. In short, Xmenu provides all kinds of support for the digital menu from A to Z to businesses. you tooYou can get your menu prepared by contacting us by clicking the link here.

X menu prices and packages are briefly as follows;

  • Economic Package: 990 TL
  • Smart Package: 1490 TL
  • Corporate Package: 3990 TL
  • Advanced Package: 4990 TL

QR Menu Packages and Prices

Economic Package

990 TL

Smart Package

1490 TL

Enterprise Package

3990 TL

Advanced Package

4990 TL 


How Are Prices Determined?

There are several factors that are taken as a basis when determining prices. Since we can serve with different package options, the prices vary according to the services to be received in these different package types. These prices may vary depending on both the server costs and the types of services requested by the users. At this point, first of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of service you want to receive. For example, whether a detailed menu will be preferred, whether a quick menu solution is sought, or a menu in which presentation and visuality is at the forefront in a fine-dine type restaurant will need to be determined primarily. Then, our technical team will contact you and support you in entering your products, categories and content.

A Contactless and Digital Menu

Contactless menus, which are used as contactless,   have become very popular especially during and after the pandemic. Thanks to this need created by the pandemic, customers and guests who go to restaurants, cafes or restaurants have the opportunity to view the menu quickly and hygienically without touching the menus or the staff in the place. In this way, the contactless menu service has become a more demanded service than the classical catalog menus by customers and guests.

How are QR Labels and Barcodes Prepared?

 If you wish, we can supply the menu labels and barcodes to you as a quick menu. The labels to be supplied are resistant to cold-heat, impact and tearing. Special adhesive labels are printed in our contracted printing houses and sent to be used in your business in the quantity you want. After creating their menu on the Xmenu panel, businesses can download .pdf or qr barcode outputs in different formats from the panel, and use the printouts of the relevant qr labels from their own printing house or printer if they wish. The printing process of the labels is completely dependent on the wishes of the enterprises.

QR Labels and barcodes are as follows, respectively;

  1. A design is made with the QR Code for printing.
  2. If the business wants adhesive, the labels are made with adhesive and tear-resistant materials.
  3. If the business does not want stickers or adhesives, stands are provided between which the design to be created can be placed.
  4. QR tags created after printing are tested and verified to work correctly.
  5. If the qr code displays the menu or application properly, the qr code designs that are printed are now applied or placed on the tables. 

Interfaces Specially Designed for the Decor and Concept of Your Business

As Xmenu, we provide service with the most up-to-date and user-experienced interfaces that are completely suitable for the colors, design and concept of the business. At this point, categories and products are integrated with a design that will be prepared entirely in line with the company's wishes and guidance. Thanks to our wide range of interface options, businesses can share a menu with their customers according to their concept, style and decor. 

Special Solutions for Fine Dining Restaurants

As it is known, restaurants and businesses in the concept of " good food " as the Turkish equivalent of fine dining are businesses where service quality is at the forefront. Because such restaurants, which want to provide a better dining experience to their customers, are more selective than other businesses in terms of decoration, content, taste and design. At this point, Fine Dining restaurants are among the businesses we focus on as Xmenu. With interfaces that we can offer completely company-specific, we offer the advantages that restaurants and businesses of the Fine Dining type can highly prefer. Thus, such restaurants will provide their customers and guests with a more privileged experience in terms of qr menu.

You can present your products as PDF or Image

If they wish, companies or businesses can use a PDF file or image file that they have prepared themselves or that we have prepared as a menu or catalogue. Companies that want to use this feature can easily download the PDF menus  and start using the application after registering to the Xmenu panel.

Other QR Code Generator Features

As X menu, we do not only provide qr menu viewing and creation services. In addition to this service, additional features such as calling a waiter, requesting an account, making payments, creating and filling out surveys are also available in the system. This simple technology infrastructure is also provided to small or large-scale enterprises.

Is QR Barcode Support Provided?

As X menu, we do not only provide qr menu viewing and creation services.  At the same time , we provide support to businesses at the point of obtaining the relevant barcode . If necessary, businesses can also get the relevant barcode menus via the Xmenu panel and can send barcodes to their own printing houses for printing.

"Xmenu - Online QR Code Menu Generator and Digital Menu Prices"
Some References